We are looking for sample songs from users!


We are looking for sample songs from users! The conditions are as follows, so we would appreciate your cooperation.

  • You can apply for one to several songs. It is basically adopted.
  • Your submitted song will be treated as copyright-free like the current sample song (only recommending the user to display the author's name).
  • The deadline is until the official version of 1.2.0 is released (at least 2 weeks)

ポストApplication method

1. Make your original  (or not violate copyright ) song with the beta version of ver.1.2.0

2. Upload the "<song number> .jsonl" file of the song you made with a zip somewhere.

3. Tweet with zip URL and #LovelyComposer_Sample tag (and video if you like)


  • If your song based on other song, or if there is a song name and author name that you want to be posted, please write it.
  • Songs can be modified or canceled at any time during the period.
  • The order of the songs will be decided here.
  • Finally, we will release a beta version including your sample song, so please check it.
  • As a reward, some DL keys of our work will be distributed in DM. For recommendations to friends ...

That's all. We look forward to your application!


LovelyComposer ver.1.2.0 サンプル曲募集のお知らせ

このたび、Lovely Composerユーザーからサンプル曲を募集することにしました!以下のような内容ですので、ご興味のある方はご参加・応援いただけると幸いです。

  • 応募は1曲から数曲まで。基本的に載ります。
  • 応募曲は現在のサンプル曲と同じく、ほぼ著作権フリーとなります(作者名は表記 / ユーザへは作者名の表示を推奨するだけ)
  • 期限は1.2.0正式版公開まで(最低でも2週間はあります


  1. ver.1.2.0のベータ版で、オリジナル曲または著作権的にOKな曲を作る
  2. 作った曲の「曲番号.jsonlファイル」をzipでどこかにアップロード
  3. zipのURLと #LovelyComposer_Sample  タグをつけてツイート(よければ動画も)



  • 曲の修正や取りやめは期間中いつでもOK
  • 掲載曲順等はこちらで決めさせてもらいます
  • 新サンプル曲入りのベータ版を最後に出しますのでご確認ください
  • 謝礼は、いちまるまるゲームス作品のDLキーがいくつかもらえる程度の予定です。友達へのおすすめ等に…


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